Low Flow SIDESTREAM End-Tidal CO2 (ETCO2) MODULE Model C300 compatible with Respironics Loflo CO2 sensor
The Low Flow Sidestream ETCO2 (End-tidal
CO2)Module CO2 Sensor is the ideal low sampling-
rate capnography solution for your patient
monitoring system. The sidestream ETCO2
Module(End-tidal CO2) Model C300 features cutting-
edge technology for measurement of End-Tidal
Carbon Dioxide (ETCO2) and respiratory rate. It
delivers a clear, accurate capnogram at all
respiratory rates up to 150 breaths per minute.
With a sampling rate of 50 mL/min, it is ideal for
use on adult, pediatric and infant patients;
patients undergoing procedural sedation; and
short- term mon-itoring of intubated patients.
Model C300 was designed to be compatible with CPT
or Respironics only. If you simply want to connect
to a computer and display the values on a computer
screen, we can provide the development kit to
allow you to use it with a computer for evaluation
purpose. Our ETCO2 module is intended to work with
those monitors that were designed to have the CO2
function once a Respironics Made addon module
LoFlo is added. Our C300 is intended to replace
the Respironics LoFlo module at a lower cost. Many
manufacturers like Edan, NewTech, Contec are using
the Respironics Loflo module, now they can be
replaced with our C300 module at a much lower cost
with better performance.
The sidestream end-tidal CO2 module is the most
popular ETCO2 module in the market, the module no
longer need to occupy any interior space of the
hosting hardware, (monitors, breathing machine or
anesthesia machine) so that the assembling of the
module and the host has become very easy. The Low
Flow Sidestream ETCO2 module Model C300 is easy to
implement. Different from our embedded type ETCO2 module
Model C002
, which usually takes a long time to evaluate
whether it is going to be integrated with the host
system, the Sidestream model C300 can be
implemented as simple as plug & play.
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Ultrasound Needle Breast Biopsy Phantom with Amorphous Lesions Model 052A
The Model 052A accurately mimics the ultrasonic characteristics of tissues found in an average human breast. The size and shape of the phantom simulates that of an average patient in the supine position.
A special holding tray facilitates proper hand position during the training procedures.
Protected by a membrane, the phantoms flesh-like consistency, (Zerdine?)(1) simulates needle resistance. Each cystic mass may be aspirated once while each solid mass may be biopsied multiple times. Cyst material is stained green and solid masses are black for easy identification.
The Model 052A Ultrasound Needle Breast Biopsy Phantom with Amorphous Lesions was developed by those skilled in the art of ultrasound guided needle biopsy procedures and is the ideal training device. Click for More Details
AGW8000S 12'' color TFT Display Portable Patient Monitor
AGW8000S 12'' color TFT Display Portable Patient Monitor is suitable for the adult, the pediatric and the neonate, may monitor the life parameters, such as the electrocardiograph (ECG), the noninvasive blood pressure (NBP), the oxygen saturation (SpO₂), the respiration rate (Resp), the body temperature (Temp) and so on, can in the same screen demonstrate maximum 8 waveforms and all information of the parameters monitored.
The purpose and function of the patient monitor is to monitor: ECG; heartrate; noninvasive blood pressure (systolic, diastolic, and mean arterialpressures); functional arterial oxygen saturation; respiration rate and temperature for adult and pediatric patients in all hospital areas and hospital-type facilities. It can be used during hospital transport and in mobile, land-based environments, such as ambulances.
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Patient Monitor MGW6012
Portable Patient Monitor is adaptable to adult, pediatric and neonatal usage.Its size is 12.1"
It can monitor vital signals as ECG, Respiratory Rate, SpO2, NIBP, TEMP and IBP. It integrates
parameter measuring modules, display and recorder in one device, featuring in compactness,
lightweight and portability. Replaceable built-in battery facilitates transportation of patient. Large
high-resolution display provides clear view of 5 waveforms and full monitoring parameters. Click for More Details