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   Emergency and Clinics
  ECG Machine
  ECG Series
  Electrosurgical unit
  Fetal Doppler
  Fetal Monitor
  OEM Modules
  Patient Monitor
  Phantoms / Tool Kit
  Pulse Oximeter
  SpO2 Sensors solution
  Testing Measuring Equipme
Category Descriptions

MULTI-PARAMETER MODULE 7-IN-1 MODEL AGW0808 Parameter board and Main Board Integrated
MULTI-PARAMETER MODULE 7-IN-1 MODEL AGW0808 Parameter board and Main Board Integrated
Item No.: MOAD-AGW0808
Model MGW830 Multi-Parameter Module 6-in-1 with ECG, RESP, TEMP, NB, SPO2 OEM Board
Model MGW830 Multi-Parameter Module 6-in-1 with ECG, RESP, TEMP, NB, SPO2 OEM Board
Item No.: MOKM-MGW830
Low Flow SIDESTREAM End-Tidal CO2 (ETCO2) MODULE Model C300M compatible with Respironics Loflo CO2 sensor
Item No.: MONM-C300M
OEM ETCO2 MODULE (End-tidal CO2) CO2 Module Model C200 for measuring Respiratory Carbon Dioxide CO2 Sensor
Item No.: MONM-C200

Categories   CATEGORIES  
Phantoms / Tool Kit \ Ultrasound Phantoms
Category Items   CATEGORY ITEMS  
Blood Mimicking Fluid Model 046 Blood Mimicking Fluid Model 046
Item No.: UPCS-046
Part Number:UPCS-046
Brachytherapy QA Phantom Model 045 - Part of a complete solution for implementing a prostate brachytherapy QA program as described by AAPM Task Group 128 Brachytherapy QA Phantom Model 045 - Part of a complete solution for implementing a prostate brachytherapy QA program as described by AAPM Task Group 128
Item No.: UPCS-045
Part Number:Model 045
Breast Elastography Phantom Model 059 - The perfect demonstration tool for sonoelastography Breast Elastography Phantom Model 059 - The perfect demonstration tool for sonoelastography
Item No.: UPCS-059
Part Number:UPCS-059
Diagnostic Head Phantom Model 711HN Diagnostic Head Phantom Model 711HN
Item No.: RPCS-711HN
Part Number:RPCS-711-HN
Doppler phantom Model 453 with C-flex Tubes Doppler phantom Model 453 with C-flex Tubes
Item No.: UPDF-453
Part Number:Model 453
Doppler String Phantom Model 043 Accurately Simulates 16 physiological Doppler String Phantom Model 043 Accurately Simulates 16 physiological
Item No.: UPCS-043
Part Number:UPCS-043
Dual Attenuation Phantom Model 406LE Dual Attenuation Phantom Model 406LE
Item No.: UPGX-406LE
Part Number:UPGX-406 LE
Fetal Ultrasound Biometrics Phantom Model 068 - For demonstration of anatomic examination and estimation of gestational age Fetal Ultrasound Biometrics Phantom Model 068 - For demonstration of anatomic examination and estimation of gestational age
Item No.: UPCS-068
Part Number:UPCS-068
Fetal Ultrasound Training Phantom Models 065-20 065-36 Fetal Ultrasound Training Phantom Models 065-20 065-36
Item No.: UPCS-065
Part Number:UPCS-065
General Purpose Multi-Tissue Ultrasound Phantom Model 040 -The standard for ultrasound quality assurance General Purpose Multi-Tissue Ultrasound Phantom Model 040 -The standard for ultrasound quality assurance
Item No.: UPCS-040
Part Number:UPCS-040
Image-Guided Abdominal Biopsy Phantom Model 071 - Transparent for demonstrations and visual identification of needle placement Image-Guided Abdominal Biopsy Phantom Model 071 - Transparent for demonstrations and visual identification of needle placement
Item No.: UPCS-071
Part Number:UPCS-071
IMRT Homogeneous Phantom Model 002H5 IMRT Homogeneous Phantom Model 002H5
Item No.: RTCS-002H5
Part Number:RTCS-002H5
Kidney Training Phantom Model 056 - Designed for interventional training and 3D surface rendering Kidney Training Phantom Model 056 - Designed for interventional training and 3D surface rendering
Item No.: UPCS-056
Part Number:UPCS-056
Mini-Doppler Flow System Model 1430 LE Mini-Doppler Flow System Model 1430 LE
Item No.: UPGX-1430LE
Part Number:UPGX-1430 LE
Model 082B Foam Lined Hard Carrying Case Model 082B Foam Lined Hard Carrying Case
Item No.: UPGX-082B
Part Number:UPGX -082B
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